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Student Spotlight

ONC Spotlight / Scholarship Student Spotlight

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March 2025

Ashley Brink

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient


Hi! My name is Ashley Brink. I am the granddaughter of Chris Boskofsky Sr. and the daughter of Jamie Brink. I currently live in Anchorage, Alaska, but I was born in Kodiak and grew up in Ouzinkie until I was 8 years old.

This spring I completed my associates degree of Arts, and I am currently a junior at the University of Alaska Anchorage. I am working on a Bachelor of Arts in Communications. I currently work at Chugach Alaska Corporation and have been recently promoted to the Shareholder Services Manager. Once I complete my bachelor’s degree, I plan to continue my education and pursue a master’s degree. I would like to continue working for my Alaska Native corporations to help ensure they are strong for the next generation.

I am grateful for the support and opportunities Ouzinkie Native Corporation has provided me. I started my career working as an intern at the ONC Anchorage office, and the scholarships provided by ONC have been a tremendous help with furthering my education.


February 2025

Vickie Novak

Vickie Novak received a Career Enhancement scholarship to attend a three-day workshop on Conservative and Relational Ecologies: Advancing Indigenous-Led Models of Conservation at the Institute of Behavioral Science Center for Native American Indigenous Studies at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Highly dedicated people, including Indigenous people, lawyers, experts in conservation, and educators, came from around the world, including Tanzania, India, Canada, and the US, including Alaska, California, and Colorado, to discuss how to involve Indigenous people who have lived and worked with the lands and oceans for millennia in ongoing conservation efforts.

Workshop goals: There is growing agreement within academic policy circles on the critical role that Indigenous People around the world can and should play in addressing the biodiversity crisis and in response to global calls for the need to respect the rights and practices of Indigenous and local communities in future conservation planning. (Convention on Biodiversity 2022)


Jim Anaya, former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People, book writer, and international speaker on human rights and Indigenous Peoples, also participated one day. He asked the group questions, and there was discussion on the values behind conservation, assumptions that the land is government land and not Indigenous, and the place of respecting and protecting Indigenous people's rights.


Vickie shared about past Ouzinkie Elder Theodore Squartsoff in the conference. Theodore knew the ocean intimately because he spent his daily life on it for over seventy years. He shared about the changes he experienced over time. He and other elders mentioned the changing ocean currents. He said that certain fish moved to different areas or were tough to find, and the kelp grew in regions that didn’t grow when he was younger. He may not have had a college degree, but he had a seventy-year life degree in the oceans in and around Ouzinkie.


An Alaska Native Elder commented at a meeting in Alaska, and Elder Juney Mullan shared with Vickie: “I never went to college, but my education is 10,000 years old.”

This means that knowledge, expertise on the land and oceans, and wisdom have been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. There is no comparison to this type of education in the US Western education system.


“It was inspiring to be with people from across disciplines, including academics, lawyers, and leaders in conservation from around the world, whose focus was on working and learning together on how to create a better world through partnering with Indigenous people who have knowledge and wisdom passed down for generations on how best to manage their land and ocean around them.  When we work together with respect for one another’s education and wisdom, we can create great opportunities for positive change in conservation and the world.

I am very grateful to the Ouzinkie Native Corporation for the Career Enhancement Scholarship to attend this workshop.”

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December 2024

James Anderson Sr.

John Panamarioff Sr. Career Enhancement Recipient

James Anderson Sr. was awarded a Career Enhancement scholarship to renew his HAZWOPER and asbestos certifications. James has worked with hazardous waste for many years and is awarded a Career Enhancement scholarship to assist with renewing his certifications each year.

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November 2024

Dylan Anderson

John Panamarioff Sr. Career Enhancement Recipient

Shareholder Dylan Anderson received Ouzinkie Native Corporation Career Enhancement scholarships to renew his asbestos and HAZWOPER certifications for working with hazardous waste since 2018.


October 2024

Uriah Skonberg

John Panamarioff Sr. Youth Scholarship Recipient

ONC shareholder Uriah Skonberg received a John Panamarioff Sr Youth Scholarship for hockey. Uriah is the son of Devin and Rosa Skonberg.

Uriah says, “I love playing hockey, and I love being a hockey player! I like getting breakaways in my games!” 

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September 2024

Logan Daigle

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

Hi, I am Logan Daigle. I am originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, but I am currently in my Junior year at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. My ties to Alaska are through my grandmother Alicia Squartsoff who is from Ouzinkie. I am currently looking to get my degrees in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. Once I graduate, I look forward to doing Research and Development wherever the world takes me. I am so grateful for the opportunities that come from being supported by Ouzinkie. 



Thank you for this honor,


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August 2024

Zach Mooney

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

Hi! My name is Zach Mooney. I live in Kennewick, Washington with my parents, Missy and Richard, and my sister, Vanessa.


This fall, I will be a senior at Gonzaga University in Spokane, pursuing an accounting degree. I have just completed an internship with Moss Adams, a Pacific Northwest-based accounting firm, and plan to pursue a CPA credential following graduation. Gonzaga has also given me the opportunity to deepen my love for music, and I am currently a member of several choral ensembles on campus.


I am very grateful for the support Ouzinkie has provided in pursuing both my career and other passions, and I am looking forward to seeing where the future takes me!

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July 2024

Chett Delgado

John Panamarioff Sr. Youth Scholarship

ONC descendant Chett Delgado received a John Panamarioff Sr youth scholarship to attend preschool. Chett is the son of Matthew Delgado and Chanelle Bartelson. Chett says, “: I like school and chapel; the playground is a lot of fun.”


May 2024

Baahii Tallman

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

Hello, my name is Baahii Tallman and I am from Alaska. I have one older sister and two brothers. I am a Junior pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Business Data Analytics. I hope to continue my schooling and go for a masters in Business Administration or Data Analytics. My goal is to one day create my own business in Alaska.


March 2024

Brett Delgado

John Panamarioff Sr. Youth Scholarship

ONC descendant Brett Delgado received a John Panamarioff Sr youth scholarship to learn how to play the guitar. Brett is the son of Matthew Delgado and Chantelle Bartelson. Brett states, “ I enjoy guitar and my grandpa used to play and I like to learn new songs and it is a lot of fun. I like guitar lessons because I think that guitar is cool”

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February 2024

Lydia Lohse

Career Enhancement Scholarship 
My name is Lydia Irene Lohse I am the daughter of Doug Lohse and Lita Ecklund, I was born and raised in Kodiak and spent many summers in Ouzinkie with my grandmother Irene Graves.
I would like to thank the Ouzinkie Native Corporation for the John Panamarioff Sr. Vocational and Career Enhancement Scholarship that I received to attend the Wellspring School of Ministry in Anchorage last May. I learned so much at this class and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity.
Wellspring Ministries is dedicated to helping people find spiritual, emotional and physical freedom in their life’s challenges and relationships.  They offer two different seminars; the I Found Freedom Seminar teaches through Biblical Foundations of Freedom and the How to Minister Seminar
The How to Minister, seminar is a two-week intensive class that provided training on how to minister to others, it is designed with practical step-by-step instructions. I learned how thoughts and emotions are tied to a person’s physiology and learned techniques to help people work through their life’s issues and personal relationships.
Wellspring Ministries has many other resources to help people on this journey of personal growth and healing, including my favorite, Freedom Night an ongoing 13 week rotating class that leads participants through the Biblical Foundations of Freedom book, every Wednesday evening at the Anchorage campus as well as streaming online on the YouTube platform.
At Wellsprings it is our premise that all believers are ministers of the Gospel. We do not need to be “professionals” to be His ministers, but we do need to be trained and proficient at our work.
God is the One who brings healing to our minds and emotions. He is the One who brings healing to our relationships and bodies. 
The next class will be April 30 thru May 10, 2024.

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December/January 2023

Sarah Christiansen, Sharon Wolkoff, and Family

Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship

We attended the First Alaskans Institute 40th Annual Statewide Elders & Youth Conference thanks to ONC’s Naqneq Cultural Scholarship. The theme this year was “Woosht Guganix”, which means “Let it be that We heal each other”. This year the President/CEO Liz Medicine Crow is retiring and FAI will be looking for a replacement. We found the E&Y conference to be very educational and more hands on with all the workshops (52) they got together for participants. Some of the workshops were deer processing, pickling salmon, Indigenous business creation, practicing self-governance and self-determination using peacemaking: To mend Relationships. One was about learning the process of resolution building. Each region got together to make some up that concerned them. All passed. It was very educational and I would’ve loved to could bring all this knowledge back home to share. Encouraging our youth and elders to get together for storytelling, arts and crafts would be a fun activity. There were regional breakout sessions for interested E&Y to represent their area to participate in monthly meetings to share their concerns and generating conference ideas for next year. There was an awesome marketplace with handmade goodies and many dance groups sprinkled in between meetings to liven up the participants. Dance night was called Chinan- A night of Cultural Celebration. Alaska Federation of Natives them was “Our Ways’ of Life”. Important guests and speakers with dance groups in between representing their awesome drum and dance skills. Little dancers were experts at stealing the show with their cuteness!! Convention forums discussions about the salmon crisis, climate change and getting a native on the fisheries boards were hot topics by passionate native communities’ representatives. Malia Vargas was picked to be our Alaska representative for the NCAI convention. Thank you so much for picking us to experience the Elders and Youth Conferences & AFN, It was both our first time attending the E & Y Conference. There is so much to experience and learn there. 
Quyanaa! Sarah Christiansen Sharon Wolkoff


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November 2023

Sonja Delgado

Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship

Ouzinkie Elder 82-year-old Sonja Delgado received a Napneq Cultural Enhancement scholarship to attend the First Alaskans Elders and Youth Conference and the Alaska Native Federation of Natives convention. Sonja said she appreciated the corporation providing scholarships to attend these conferences and enjoyed them very much.

Sonja’s comments about the Elders and Youth Conference: “It’s the best thing I’ve done in a long time. I loved seeing the young people and Elders together. Being with the youth opened my eyes to what they’re trying to do. I was very impressed with them. Hopefully, they will be able to make the world a better place. I really enjoyed it, and they were fun to be with. The best thing is Elders and Youth!”

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October 2023

Landon Anderson

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Descendant Landon Anderson received a Youth Scholarship award to attend a basketball championship playoff last spring. His team did very well. Dad and coach Peter Anderson said he’s incredibly proud of the teams he coached and of his sons, who were on two different teams.  “My kids said it was the best weekend all year. Thank you again.”

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September 2023

Caroline Wolkoff

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

Hello, my name is Caroline Wolkoff, daughter of Roy and Lucinda Wolkoff.  Ouzinkie is where my cultural roots begin, but I was raised in Kodiak. Cultural solid ties are important in life and even more evident in the Early Education field of study.  This Spring, I completed a Bachelor's Degree in Early Education and learned the importance of cultural connection.  I learned children need to identify with their culture, language, and traditions to know they are important and recognized.  It is about self-identity and, more importantly, self-esteem. Since completing my degree, I have taken the Leadership of the Head Start program I have worked with for two years.


I consider myself a lifetime learner and am proud to be a recipient of the John Panamarioff Sr. scholarship. It’s because of Ouzinkie Native Corporations, ONC, and educational support that I have accomplished my goal of obtaining a higher education. I believe life is about goal setting. Another educational goal is to obtain a Master's degree in Leadership to further my aspirations to be a leader and role model in the Alaska Native community.  I wish to inspire other shareholders and descendants to pursue education for life and never stop learning; goal setting is the way to transform your life! Thanks again to the Board and ONC staff for supporting and building a solid education program and assisting shareholders on their educational path.

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August 2023

Leah Boskofsky

Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

Leah Boskofsky attended Dig Afognak with the Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship. Leah is the daughter of Shahaila Squartsoff and Andy Boskofsky Jr. Her grandparents are Vera and Nick Squartsoff Sr and Paula and Andy Boskofsky Sr. She said she had fun in groups where they learned Alutiiq Dance songs and other activities like Alutiiq tag where they warmed up to prepare for Alutiiq Dance. She also enjoyed participating in the art class, where they drew Alutiiq dance regalia and sitting by the bonfire.

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July 2023

Harper Chichenoff

Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

Harper Chichenoff is the daughter of Bliss Peterson and Roy Chichenoff. Her grandparents are Pete and Juanita Muller, and Tania and Zack (deceased) Chichenoff. Harper received the first Napneq Cultural Enhancement scholarship award and will attend Dig Afognak to learn harvesting, survival skills, and Alutiiq language and music. Harper is one of Ouzinkie’s Alutiiq Dancers and loves learning about her culture. She’s also in the Ouzinkie School Gifted and Talented program.

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June 2023

Warrick Anderson

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Descendant Warrick Anderson received a Youth Scholarship award from ONC for basketball playoffs. His team won the championship in their division, and Warrick’s dad and basketball team coach Peter Anderson said he’s incredibly proud of all of them. My kids said it was the best weekend all year. Thank you again.

Thank you!

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May 2023

Sylvie VanTrease

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Descendant Sylvie VanTrease received a youth scholarship to play volleyball.  Her parents are Phillip and Jill VanTrease. Sylvie loves volleyball.  She is a setter, which is an important and stressful position. She is working on her back sets, and corner serves.  Her serve is consistent and tough to return.  This weekend May 6, and 7, 2023. Her team is traveling to a two-day tournament for regionals in Oklahoma City - she’s very excited!  She loves the girls on her team and is a hard worker.


March 2023

Kaiden Detorres

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Kaiden Detorres, son of Scott and Roberta Detorres received a Ouzinkie Native Corporation youth scholarship for basketball.

He said: I had so much fun playing basketball this year! I made new friends and got better at basketball! We even won the championship! Thank you ONC! 

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February 2023

Lexi Detorres

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Five-year-old descendant Lexi Detorres, daughter of Scott and Roberta Detorres received a youth scholarship to learn how to swim. Lexi learned several swimming skills such as floating on her back, a couple of different types of kicks and safety lessons and according to her mom, she enjoyed her swimming lessons. You can see her enjoyment in her happy face in her picture below. She successfully passed all her swimming lessons. 


January 2023

Andrea Alldridge

I am so grateful for this opportunity to receive a vocational scholarship. The Master in Esthetics program was a long term goal of mine. I completed the course on December 16th 2022, with perfect attendance. I’m looking forward to what my future holds now! Again thank you for the support!


Warm Regards,


Andrea Alldridge

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December 2022

Garman Squartsoff

Garman Squartsoff

December 2022

Garman Squartsoff received a Career Enhancement Scholarship from the Ouzinkie Native Corporation. He attended the Alaska Driving Academy in Soldotna, Alaska for a four-week training for a class A Commercial Driver’s License. He successfully achieved his goal. His dad is Herman Squartsoff and his mother Erin Alward.

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November 2022

Reese Luke

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Reese Luke  

Reese’s Parents are Greg and Emily Luke 

Reese’s volleyball team won the Alaska state championship this year! They also traveled to Las Vegas and Salt Lake City and played phenomenal! Such a special team she played with this year! Thank you for making this possible! 


October 2022

Max Meads

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Max is currently 12 years old and received a scholarship for soccer camp. His parents are PJ and Pam Meads. He loves soccer and spends a lot of his time practicing his skills. He also is a highly motivated student and received High Honors all 4 quarters of his 2021-2022 middle school year. 


Max- “soccer is my favorite sport and I love practicing with my friends and working on my technique at camp. I hope to be a professional soccer player someday!” 

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September 2022

Ryan Chernikoff

Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient


My name is Ryan Chernikoff; I was born in Anchorage, Alaska. I am the son of Robert Chernikoff and Melody Rhyner. My paternal grandparents were the late Fred and Esther Chernikoff, and my maternal grandparents were the late George and Thelma Rhyner. I have one daughter, Natalie, who is 11 years old.  


I am a senior in the Bachelor of Human Services program at the University of Alaska Anchorage. I enjoy going to school and learning new things. Currently, I am a Transition and Outreach Coordinator for the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness. I have been fortunate to work in the human services field since 2013 in several different roles. My degree program allows me to gain the skills necessary to address the many issues that we face in our community. I plan to continue working in the human services field after I complete my Bachelor’s degree and possibly further my education through a Master’s degree in counseling or social work.  


I am very grateful for the generous scholarships that Ouzinkie Native Corporation has awarded me. I would not be where I am today without ONC’s support.  

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August 2022

Hailey Meads

Youth Scholarship Recipient

14 year old Hailey Meads received a scholarship for attending the D2 Cheer Summit Competition in Orlando, Florida. (Super Bowl of Cheer) Her parents are PJ (Peter and Pam Meads. 

“ Cheer means a lot to me, whether it’s the relationships I have between my teammates or actually practicing and performing skills. I have been greatly impacted by this sport and it has pushed me to be hard working and dedicated to important things. To me, Cheer is my second home, where I go to work off my stress and have fun with my teammates. Last season, Cairo Crew, a team I was on, won the D2 Summit which is a huge competition in the Cheer world. My other team Phantom 5 placed 5th! It felt great to win that competition because that’s what we were working for the whole season. It was a huge accomplishment and I hope to do it again." - Hailey Meads


July 2022

Makenna Ambrosia

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Nine year old Makenna Ambrosia enjoys learning new activities. She received a Ouzinkie Native Corporation youth scholarship in 2021 for tennis camp and another youth scholarship for swim class in 2022. She loves swimming and is now in level four. Her parents are Kelli Harmon and Alex Ambrosia.


June 2022

Mackenzie Berndt

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient


Hello! I live in Adrian, Michigan with my mom (Kristi), dad (John), and brother (Eric). I am currently a junior at Siena Heights University, and I am a language arts major going for my elementary teacher certification! My goal, once I complete my undergraduate degree, is to move out to Wisconsin and become a Fifth-grade teacher. I plan to go further in my education and get my master’s degree in reading specialization for K-12. I just want to make an impact on the future generations and hopefully create a safe and loving environment for my students. I am so thankful that Ouzinkie Native Corporation and Koniag have been there for me and my education every step of the way!


MAY 2022

Daniel Smith

Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient

I am Daniel Smith, son of Carl Michael & Brenda Smith and grandson of Carl & Georgia Smith. I was born and raised on Kodiak Island where I had lived for 18 years prior to migrating to Newberg, Oregon in 2018 to undergo a Bachelor of Science in Biology concentrating in Field Biology and Ecology from George Fox University. I am due to graduate this spring where I will then return to Kodiak to work full-time with the Sun’aq Tribe Natural Resource Department as their Tribal Biologist. Specific projects I will be involved in will entail conservation of Kodiak resident’s and tribal members’ natural resources such as salmon, marine mammals, and other subsistence resources. A particularly important study that Sun’aq Natural Resource Director, Matthew Van Daele, and I will take part in is related to an invasive signal crayfish population that has threatened the sockeye salmon subsistence fishery within the Buskin River watershed on the Kodiak Island Road System. Using my skills gained from past field experience through three internships of working with the Sun’aq Tribe over the last four years, as well as through my academics in college, my hope is that we bear down on this problem through intensive study paired with eradication efforts relating to the removal of the invasive.

I also have plans to undergo a remote master’s degree through the University of Alaska Fairbanks Fisheries Program coming this fall of 2022 where the point of emphasis of the thesis would be related to past, present, and future signal crayfish work that the Sun’aq Tribe Natural Resource Department has and will be a part of. 

I am excited about what the future holds and am continually grateful for all the support that the Ouzinkie Native Corporation has given me throughout my college experience at George Fox!


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APRIL 2022

Mia Thomas

Youth Scholarship Recipient


Descendant Mia Thomas received a youth scholarship to attend gymnastics class. Her mother is Melissa Thomas. Her grandparents are Anna Rae Bent and Nicholas Chichenoff Sr. Mia loves  going to gymnastics and learning how to tumble and jump.

MARCH 2022

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Career Enhancement Scholarship Recipient


Descendant Rena Anderson received a Career Enhancement scholarship for a 40-hour training on Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.

Rena Anderson

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Joseph Turman

Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient

Descendant Joseph Turman received undergraduate scholarships.


I am from northern Minnesota and am the oldest of four children. My parents are Dave and Billie Turman, and my grandfather is Bill Wolkoff, who lives a couple hours north of us in Minnesota. I enjoy reading, brewing good coffee, and biking!

Prior to my current major, I was working in the IT field, but now am pursuing full-time pastoral ministry at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA. I currently am in my last semester of undergraduate schooling and plan to graduate in May. Following that, I plan to marry Lydia (my fiancée and love of my life) and move to Ankeny to pursue a Master of Divinity Degree at the seminary on campus with the hope of sharpening my ability to preach and counsel.

In the future, I would like to gain experience from a seasoned pastor with the goal of someday being a lead pastor somewhere else. God has been so gracious toward me in Christ, and especially with his provision through ONC for education. My only desire is that He would be glorified in all things.


"For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised." - 2 Corinthians 5:14–15

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Anesia Overlund

Career Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

Shareholder Anesia Overlund received Career Enhancement Scholarships in 2020 and 2021. 


"Learning lash extensions allowed me to explore a new modality under my esthetics license that I had not had the opportunity to pursue before. It broadened my skill set and allowed me to offer more services to my clients. Extensions are really popular right now and being able to add them to my services helped my small business grow. 


Recently, I was presented with the opportunity to learn to play the drum set and I'm so grateful for the ability to do that. Learning how to play the drums has been such a fun challenge and interacting with music has been really fulfilling. I'm so grateful for the support I've been given in pursuing my interests in my career and self-enrichment."


Taylor Cox

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Graduate Student Scholarship Recipient

My name is Taylor Cox; I was born in Anchorage at the Alaska Native Medical Center to Paul Cox and Misty Squartsoff. My grandparents are Gary and Joyce Cox from Idaho, and Harold and Barbara Squartsoff from Kenai, Alaska. I grew up moving around several states including Alaska, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Arizona. Visiting and fishing with my Grandpa Squartsoff on the Kenai River is one of my favorite memories from growing up. 


Immediately following high school, I served a two-year church service mission in Mexico, where I learned to speak fluent Spanish. Afterwards I attended Brigham Young University in Utah, received a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology, and gained admittance to medical school at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson. My decision and efforts to attend medical school were re-enforced in my undergraduate years by my experiences in volunteering at hospitals, research in molecular biology, and clinical shadowing with doctors in various specialties. 


During medical school I have engaged in additional “Distinction Track” career enhancement courses offered by the college of medicine in both Bilingual-Medical Spanish and Research. My current plans are to pursue a career as a general surgeon. I am currently in my third year of medical school and approaching the last phase of my program. This spring I will take my second USMLE board exam, then over the following year I will focus on applying to (and interviewing at) residency programs in general surgery.”

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Hawkan Haakanson Sr.

Career Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

Hawkan J. Haakanson Sr. received a Career Enhancement scholarship to study for his Master Trainer Certificate in Exercise through the International Sports Science Association. The course includes training on nutrition, strength and conditioning, corrective exercise, and online coaching. The online coaching training would enable Hawkan to coach
people at a distance by phone or virtually.


Exercise and wellness is a passion of his, and Hawkan expressed excitement about being able to help people succeed in their health and exercise goals once he finishes with the training. ONC Career Enhancement Scholarships award up to $2,500 per calendar year for short-term, job ready programs like licensing, certifications, and workshops.

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Francine VanTrease

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Six year old descendant Francine VanTrease received a youth scholarship to play soccer and to learn dance. She loves both activities! Her parents are Phillip and Jill VanTrease.



Katherine Leinberger

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

I am Katherine Leinberger, my parents are Marc Leinberger and Sheila Anderson-Leinberger. My grandparents are Don and Judy Leinberger from Illinois and Angeline Campfield and Gene Anderson from Ouzinkie. I am from Ouzinkie and I grew up in Bethel. I am attending the University of Alaska Fairbanks (virtually) and I will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Alaska Native Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in English in the spring of 2022. 

I used to spend long summer days in Ouzinkie, running around with all of our cousins but now the length between visits home to Ouzinkie becomes longer and longer it seems, so I enjoy every minute I am able to make the trip home that much more. I’m currently an office assistant intern at ONC's Anchorage office and learning Alutiiq, both of which I am very excited to learn more about.


This semester I am also taking an applied community research course to prepare for my thesis in the spring, and I am considering looking at how the marine highway system is not only crucial for Kodiak Island’s villages but also a modern version of traditional Alutiiq seasonal migration to pursue seasonally-available resources. After I graduate, I want to work with the museums and tribes to complete cultural resource preservation projects. In the future, I also plan on returning to college to get my teaching certification and occupational endorsement in Alutiiq so that I can teach both English and Alutiiq at the high school level. 

Ouzinkie Native Corporation has supported me all throughout my college career and I am so thankful to them for getting me this far and encouraging me to strive for the best! Quyanaa! 

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  AUGUST 2021

Jon Panamarioff

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Youth scholarship recipient and shareholder, Jon Panamarioff Jr. received a youth scholarship to attend youth soccer. His parents are Jon and Joelina Panamarioff. Paternal grandparents are Joan and Larry Chichenoff.

Jon’s Comment on playing soccer: “During soccer, I learned good teamwork strategies to improve our games. I like the competition during games.”

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   JULY 2021

Louis Panamarioff

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Youth scholarship recipient and shareholder, Louis Panamarioff received a youth scholarship to attend youth soccer. His parents are Jon and Joelina Panamarioff. Paternal grandparents are Joan and Larry Chichenoff

Louis comment on playing soccer: I learned new techniques. The games are the most fun!

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   JUNE 2021

Myles Anderson

Career Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

My name is Myles Anderson.  My mom is Rena Anderson and my dad is James Anderson.  I’m from Ouzinkie, but I lived in Anchorage all of my life. I completed the 40-hour Hazwoper and the 40 hour Asbestos classes with my career enhancement scholarship.


I am currently employed with Chemtrack. I work with my Dad and brother Dylan. My plans for the future are to be doing Hazwoper and Asbestos abatement with Chemtrack for as long as my dad has been with them.

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   MAY 2021

Lance Panamarioff


Major: Youth Scholarship Recipient

Youth scholarship recipient and shareholder, Lance Panamarioff received a youth scholarship to attend youth soccer. His parents are Jon and Joelina Panamarioff. Paternal grandparents are Joan and Larry Chichenoff


Lance’s comment on playing soccer, "I learned how to stop the ball with my foot. The games are my favorite part of soccer."

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   APRIL 2021

Roberta Detorres

Major: Biological Sciences with a minor in Alaska Native Business

University of Alaska, Anchorage

My name is Roberta Detorres (Anderson), and I am currently a freshman at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. I'm originally from Ouzinkie, AK, and my parents are Robert and Ruth Anderson. My paternal grandparents are Herman and Martha Anderson of Ouzinkie, AK and my maternal grandparents are James and Irene Walker of Holy Cross, AK. I am married to my high school sweetheart Scott Detorres, and we have three beautiful children together.

Having had the privilege of growing up in Ouzinkie definitely has provided me with certain advantages! There are very few communities where everyone treats each other like family in this world, and I feel so blessed/lucky to have grown up in one of them. I went through some pretty tough times as a child after losing my dad to cancer. The entire village wrapped me in their arms and held me up until I could stand on my own again. Growing up surrounded by this deep love inspires a girl to want to give back by taking care of her people and community in any way possible.

For the last 13 years, I was able to do so working as a Certified Dental Assistant for the Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA). During this time, I fell in love with dentistry and have decided to further my education with the long-term goal of attending dental school. Through UAA, I am currently working towards a bachelor’s degree, majoring in Biological Sciences with a minor in Alaska Native Business. Upon completing dental school, I plan to return to Alaska and work for the Indian Health Services (IHS). Returning to Alaska allows me to dedicate my services to her underserved regions, including Kodiak and Ouzinkie.

Another long term goal of mine is to work for some of the various Native Corporations by serving on the board of directors. I have always looked up to those who fight to make a difference for the younger generations, and I hope to do the same. All in all, my dream is to make a difference for present and future generations by giving back to the communities that have nurtured me. None of which would be possible without the Ouzinkie Native Corporation’s kindness and generosity.


Quyanna (Thank you)!
Roberta Detorres

Rebecca Dotson's Screen Shot 2021-02-09

   MARCH 2021

Rebecca Dotson

Major: Elementary Education

Western Washington University

My name is Rebecca Dotson and I am the daughter of Laurie Dotson and the granddaughter of Dan Petersen and Ruth Sundberg. Even though I grew up in Washington State, I have always cherished hearing so many wonderful stories about what it was like growing up in Alaska from my mom and my grandparents. It truly is a special place and I am so proud of my Alaskan Native heritage.


Currently, I am a senior at Western Washington University and I am about to complete my Student Teaching Internship to become an elementary teacher! Teaching is something I have always wanted to do, and I am so thrilled to finally be achieving my dream. Even though my entire student teaching has been completed remotely due to COVID, it has still been such a valuable experience and I have learned so much about being flexible and putting students first. Since I graduate in March, I plan on spending my first few months after graduation working as a substitute teacher in order to get more in-person classroom experience and to get more familiar with schools in the area. I will also be applying to lots of jobs and trying to find a full-time teaching position to begin in the fall!


I am so thankful to have made it this far and, thanks to ONC, I get to begin my career with zero student loan debt. It has truly been a blessing and I am so grateful for all Ouzinkie has allowed me to accomplish when it comes to both my career and educational goals. I am truly looking forward to what life brings for me after graduation!


Geremy Clarion

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Major: Business Computer Info Systems

Virtual classes UAA

"The John Panamarioff Sr. scholarship has been helping me advance my education, albeit at a slow rate, for the last decade as my career path has slowly changed over time. As a first time applicant I was able to spend some time learning what it was that I wanted to do post-high school. Over the last several years, as my career has allowed, I have been able to apply for educational funding through ONC, as needed, that has helped me see the potentials on the horizon ahead of me. Without the support of ONC and the John Panamarioff Sr. scholarship I can definitively say that my career would not be nearly as successful as it has been. Quyanaa to the board, as well as the shareholders who support this program. It means a lot to me, and many other shareholders I have spoken with."



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My name is Makayla Pestrikoff and I am originally from Eagle River, Alaska, but I am currently living in Seattle, Washington for school. Having been raised by my parents Michael and Debra Pestrikoff, I inherited two culturally rich and diverse heritages. My native heritage comes from my father’s side of the family and extends clear back to my great grandparents, Dora and Pat Pestrikoff, who are from Ouzinkie, as well as my grandmother, Dorothy Morrison. As for my mother’s side of the family, I acquired my Italian roots from my grandfather, Charles Digati, and his parents, who immigrated from Sicily, Italy to the United States in the early 1900s. With this diverse heritage came a lot of unique perspectives, traditions, and experiences that helped shape me into the woman I have become today. I believe my passion for human rights is closely attributed to my heritage, particularly my Alaska Native heritage.

I am currently a senior at the University of Washington and plan on graduating this coming spring with a degree in both Political Science and Law, Societies and Justice (LSJ), and a minor in Human Rights. In regard to my future plans, I initially planned on going to law school directly after graduating from undergrad to pursue my long-range career aspiration of becoming a human rights attorney. However, due to all the uncertainty surrounding the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic I have decided to take a gap year before attending law school. During this gap year, I plan to gain practical experience by interning or working at some type of human rights related non-profit organization or law firm and studying for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). While I am still deciding on which particular field of law that I want to go into, I have narrowed it down to either criminal justice or human rights as they are the two areas that I am most passionate about and interested in pursuing a career out of.




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Youth scholarship recipient, Hayley Holden, received a youth scholarship to attend dance class at “Next Step Dance” in Kodiak.


Hayley’s mother is shareholder Amanda Holden and she said, “Great, thank you so much! This is great news! Please send our extended thank you to all involved. Such a great program ONC offers the youth.”





Youth scholarship recipient, Margaux VanTrease, is eight years old and attends Miss Shelly’s School of Dance in Tulsa, Oklahoma and she also plays soccer.


Margaux is the daughter of Jill and Phillip VanTrease and the granddaughter of William and Julie Torsen.


Margaux said, “I like soccer because I’m fast and I’m a good forward. I also like tumbling because I have strong arms and I like to do handsprings and bridges.”



Bella Hanson

My name is Bella Hanson and I was born and raised in Eagle River, Alaska. I am the daughter of David and Valery Hanson. My grandparents are Glenn and Patricia Godfrey and my great-grandparents are Betty and Jerry Gugel. I spent much of my childhood at my great-grandparents' house listening to stories about their lives growing up in Kodiak. I was always envious of the time they spent with their children and great-grandchildren commercial fishing. The opportunities I have had to explore Kodiak have given me an insight to my family's history. 


I am currently a senior at Elmira College in Elmira, New York. I am pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing and will be graduating in the spring of 2021. During my time at Elmira, I have been on the Dean's List every year and was awarded Academic All American my Sophomore and Junior years (awarded to student-athletes who maintain a 3.5 GPA and A- average). While it is difficult to manage academics and athletics simultaneously, I have managed to do so by studying and completing homework in any available downtime. This includes studying on the bus after games, as well as spending long nights in the library after a day consisting of class, lifting, and practice. 

Upon graduating in the spring, I would like to land a job as a nurse in the Intensive Care Unit or Pediatric Oncology. Personally, I like working in areas that require critical thinking at a fast pace. Furthermore, I would like to be in a position where I am able to impact patients to a high degree and make difficult times slightly easier for them and their families. 


While in college, I have been competing on a high-caliber women's ice hockey team. During my time here, we have won three conference championships and competed in the national tournament three times. I have played multiple sports throughout my life and love being a part of a team. Having the opportunity to play collegiate hockey while pursuing a career in nursing is something I have always dreamed of doing. 


I am eternally grateful for the continuous support and generosity of the Ouzinkie Native Corporation. I would not have been able to afford college or have the academic success I have had without the scholarships I have received.



Isabel Hanson


Rebecca Jones


My name is Rebecca Jones and I was born and raised in Kodiak, Alaska. As a child we often visited Ouzinkie Village, where my Grandma Edna Torsen and Great Grandma Polly Torsen (Panamarioff) were both born and raised. I have fond memories of traveling from Kodiak to Ouzinkie on my dad’s commercial fishing boat with aunts and uncles to go visit family and spend the day together. 


I am married to Trevor Jones and we have three beautiful kids ages 13 (girl), 11 (girl) and 8 (boy), who were all born and raised in Kodiak as well.


Through the help of ONC scholarships, I graduated in 2018 with my Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education with a Minor in Early Childhood Special Education. With this degree, I was able to teach for at East Elementary as a Special Education teacher in the Developmental Preschool. I really enjoyed this position and will be returning to the position this fall, after a one year leave of absence in order to finish building a house Trevor had bought when we was in college in Fairbanks and we have not been able to work on since being in Kodiak. We took the year to have flexibility in travel and work and I look forward to teaching again in the fall of 2020. 

I am now taking graduate classes through University of Fairbanks in Special Education to better my abilities as a special education teacher. I plan to take classes this summer and next summer and hopefully graduate within the next 2-3 years.


Thank you to ONC for all the support and encouragement their scholarships are and how wonderful the staff is to work with!


I am humbled and so thankful for this help and would not be able to have this degree or position without their support!


Thank you! 



Melissa Thomas

ONC Shareholder Melissa Thomas received a Career Enhancement Scholarship to attend a two-day training to become a Volume Lash Technician in January 2020. 


Melissa’s parents are Anna Rae Bent and Nicholas Chichenoff, and her daughter is Mia Thomas.


Melissa has her own business called Esteem Beauty.

JULY 2020

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Tyler Agafonov

ONC descendant, Tyler Agafonov, is a senior at the University of Washington, Seattle and an ONC scholarship recipient. Tyler is earning a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Political Science with a Minor in Education (Learning and Society) and he will graduate in spring 2021. He also made the Dean’s List for the school year and received a letter of accomplishment from the dean. 


Tyler’s parents are Jo Ann (Torsen) Agafonov and Edward Agafonov, and his grandparent is Claudia Torsen.

JUNE 2020


Chanel Pestrikoff

ONC descendant Chanel Pestrikoff a sophomore at Sheldon High School in Eugene, Oregon and a youth scholarship recipient. 


Chanel said, “Hello, my name is Chanel Pestrikoff.  My parents are Michael and Debbie Pestrikoff.  My late grandparents are Dorothy Morrison and my great grandparents are Dora and Patrick Pestrikoff - they are all from Ouzinkie.  On my mothers’ side, they are Charles and Joan Digati and they both lived in Eugene, Oregon for most of their lives.


I am now a sophomore at Sheldon High School in Eugene, Oregon.  I’m currently doing online schooling. It is going really well, and I have adjusted.  I’ve learned to manage my time with a schedule that works best; however, I do miss socialization with my classmates and friends.  My favorite subject is English, because I really enjoy writing and being creative.

I have taken on a new sport as of this year which is Lacrosse, and I love learning and playing the game.  I’m looking forward to being able to get back on the field with my teammates and play again when time allows.


Thanks for your continuing support Ouzinkie Native Corporation. 


I appreciate you.

Chanel Pestrikoff

MAY 2020


Annie Ferguson

ONC shareholder Annie Ferguson is currently a sophomore at Montana State University in Bozeman. She is working on a degree in microbiology as an environmental health major and is also working towards a global health minor while being on the pre-med track. She hopes to be able to attend medical school after graduation and practice medicine in Alaska. 

Annie said, “I know how important access to quality healthcare is regarding creating a thriving community and I would love to be a part of that someday. During school I also work as a caregiver and I try to do at least four hours of community service a week.

My family includes my mom, Mary Boggs, my dad, 

Shawn Ferguson, and my older sister, Emma Ferguson. My grandmother, Martha Delgado, is the one who inspired me to pursue a career in medicine because I saw how important it is to have medical professionals who care about their patients as a person.” 

Annie recently met with her college advisor who mentioned that she needed at least 40 hours of shadowing if she wanted her med school application to be competitive. She is currently reaching out to healthcare professionals who might be interested in having a student shadow them this summer.

MARCH 2020

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Will Ressel

ONC descendant, William Josef Ressel, is a fifth grader in Golden, Colorado. Will has received an ONC youth scholarship since 2019 for his music lessons and he studies classical acoustical guitar and piano at Bartle Guitar Studio.

Will enjoys music and has been studying and playing since 2016. He performs in several recitals a year that are organized by his teacher and he’s been selected twice to compete in his grammar school Talent Show.

Will was born in Colorado and enjoys going to Alaska several times a year to visit family. He especially likes fishing with his Grandfather Josef, although last time he went fishing he had a broken arm and had to have his dad help him fish. He is in fifth grade at Golden View Classical Academy and is looking forward to middle school.

His grandparents are Josef and Ina Ressel (Petersen) of Anchorage. His great-grand parents are Nels and Margaret Petersen (Danielsen) of Anchorage and his great-great grandparents are Sverre and Katherine Danielsen (Larionoff) of Kodiak.

Will’s parents, Erik and Kim Ressel, said:


“For us - his parents - we think the scholarship program is great and we really appreciate how supportive you are for descendants and shareholders. We want to offer as many opportunities to our son as possible and this scholarship helps us support his music hobby. Thank you so much!” 



Josh Hanson

ONC descendant, Josh Hanson, is in his final year of college at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. Josh has received an ONC scholarship since 2016 and he will graduate in June 2020 with a double major - a Bachelor of Science in Statistics and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with a cumulative GPA of 3.47. 


Josh is the Vice-Chair of the Koniag Education Foundation Student Advisory Committee. He also plays hockey for the University of Toronto Varsity Blues Hockey Team. Originally from Eagle River, Josh’s mother is Valerie Godfrey Hanson, his father is David Hanson, his grandmother is Patricia Godfrey and his great-grandmother is Betty Gugel.


In 2018, Josh wrote a letter to the ONC Board of Directors regarding the John Panamarioff Sr., Scholarship Program. His letter read:

Dear Ouzinkie Native Corporation members,


My name is Joshua Hanson and I am a recipient of the John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year.  I am a lifelong Alaskan and when I’m away from home doing my undergraduate studies, I always count down the days until I can once again see the Chugach Mountains as I fly over the Cook Inlet and back to the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.


I graduated from West High School in Anchorage in May of 2010 before I left to play junior hockey for the Portland Winterhawks of the Western Hockey League (WHL) in Portland, Oregon from August 2010 to May of 2015. Through the ups and downs of my hockey career, I stayed persistent and earned a 5 year scholarship through the WHL to attend the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. While this scholarship was very generous, it only covered a portion of the total university cost and left me stressing about my finances.  That’s when the Ouzinkie Native Corporation stepped in.


The corporation’s generosity in the form of the John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship helped me bridge the financial gap and gave me peace of mind and financial stability.  It has allowed me to focus entirely on my studies and not have to stress about how I’m going to buy my next meal, cover my tuition, or pay my rent.  As a result, I have been able to earn Academic All-Canadian Honors in each of my first two years at the university and maintain a 3.5 GPA and A- average.  I was even humbled by making the Dean’s List at the end of my second year.

There is no doubt in my mind that my success would not be possible without the generosity and support of the Ouzinkie Native Corporation.  I would not be able to afford tuition at such a high quality university without the John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship and would not be blessed with the academic success I’ve accrued without the financial stability the scholarship offers me.


I would like to thank the corporation from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to the possibility of one day giving back to the community and the corporation that has given so much to me. Thank you!



Joshua Hanson

Student Spotlight

ONC Spotlight / Scholarship Student Spotlight


May 2024

Baahii Tallman

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

Hello, my name is Baahii Tallman and I am from Alaska. I have one older sister and two brothers. I am a Junior pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Business Data Analytics. I hope to continue my schooling and go for a masters in Business Administration or Data Analytics. My goal is to one day create my own business in Alaska.


May 2024

Baahii Tallman

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

Hello, my name is Baahii Tallman and I am from Alaska. I have one older sister and two brothers. I am a Junior pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Business Data Analytics. I hope to continue my schooling and go for a masters in Business Administration or Data Analytics. My goal is to one day create my own business in Alaska.


March 2024

Brett Delgado

John Panamarioff Sr. Youth Scholarship

ONC descendant Brett Delgado received a John Panamarioff Sr youth scholarship to learn how to play the guitar. Brett is the son of Matthew Delgado and Chantelle Bartelson. Brett states, “ I enjoy guitar and my grandpa used to play and I like to learn new songs and it is a lot of fun. I like guitar lessons because I think that guitar is cool”

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February 2024

Lydia Lohse

Career Enhancement Scholarship 
My name is Lydia Irene Lohse I am the daughter of Doug Lohse and Lita Ecklund, I was born and raised in Kodiak and spent many summers in Ouzinkie with my grandmother Irene Graves.
I would like to thank the Ouzinkie Native Corporation for the John Panamarioff Sr. Vocational and Career Enhancement Scholarship that I received to attend the Wellspring School of Ministry in Anchorage last May. I learned so much at this class and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity.
Wellspring Ministries is dedicated to helping people find spiritual, emotional and physical freedom in their life’s challenges and relationships.  They offer two different seminars; the I Found Freedom Seminar teaches through Biblical Foundations of Freedom and the How to Minister Seminar
The How to Minister, seminar is a two-week intensive class that provided training on how to minister to others, it is designed with practical step-by-step instructions. I learned how thoughts and emotions are tied to a person’s physiology and learned techniques to help people work through their life’s issues and personal relationships.
Wellspring Ministries has many other resources to help people on this journey of personal growth and healing, including my favorite, Freedom Night an ongoing 13 week rotating class that leads participants through the Biblical Foundations of Freedom book, every Wednesday evening at the Anchorage campus as well as streaming online on the YouTube platform.
At Wellsprings it is our premise that all believers are ministers of the Gospel. We do not need to be “professionals” to be His ministers, but we do need to be trained and proficient at our work.
God is the One who brings healing to our minds and emotions. He is the One who brings healing to our relationships and bodies. 
The next class will be April 30 thru May 10, 2024.

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December/January 2023

Sarah Christiansen, Sharon Wolkoff, and Family

Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship

We attended the First Alaskans Institute 40th Annual Statewide Elders & Youth Conference thanks to ONC’s Naqneq Cultural Scholarship. The theme this year was “Woosht Guganix”, which means “Let it be that We heal each other”. This year the President/CEO Liz Medicine Crow is retiring and FAI will be looking for a replacement. We found the E&Y conference to be very educational and more hands on with all the workshops (52) they got together for participants. Some of the workshops were deer processing, pickling salmon, Indigenous business creation, practicing self-governance and self-determination using peacemaking: To mend Relationships. One was about learning the process of resolution building. Each region got together to make some up that concerned them. All passed. It was very educational and I would’ve loved to could bring all this knowledge back home to share. Encouraging our youth and elders to get together for storytelling, arts and crafts would be a fun activity. There were regional breakout sessions for interested E&Y to represent their area to participate in monthly meetings to share their concerns and generating conference ideas for next year. There was an awesome marketplace with handmade goodies and many dance groups sprinkled in between meetings to liven up the participants. Dance night was called Chinan- A night of Cultural Celebration. Alaska Federation of Natives them was “Our Ways’ of Life”. Important guests and speakers with dance groups in between representing their awesome drum and dance skills. Little dancers were experts at stealing the show with their cuteness!! Convention forums discussions about the salmon crisis, climate change and getting a native on the fisheries boards were hot topics by passionate native communities’ representatives. Malia Vargas was picked to be our Alaska representative for the NCAI convention. Thank you so much for picking us to experience the Elders and Youth Conferences & AFN, It was both our first time attending the E & Y Conference. There is so much to experience and learn there. 
Quyanaa! Sarah Christiansen Sharon Wolkoff


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November 2023

Sonja Delgado

Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship

Ouzinkie Elder 82-year-old Sonja Delgado received a Napneq Cultural Enhancement scholarship to attend the First Alaskans Elders and Youth Conference and the Alaska Native Federation of Natives convention. Sonja said she appreciated the corporation providing scholarships to attend these conferences and enjoyed them very much.

Sonja’s comments about the Elders and Youth Conference: “It’s the best thing I’ve done in a long time. I loved seeing the young people and Elders together. Being with the youth opened my eyes to what they’re trying to do. I was very impressed with them. Hopefully, they will be able to make the world a better place. I really enjoyed it, and they were fun to be with. The best thing is Elders and Youth!”

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October 2023

Landon Anderson

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Descendant Landon Anderson received a Youth Scholarship award to attend a basketball championship playoff last spring. His team did very well. Dad and coach Peter Anderson said he’s incredibly proud of the teams he coached and of his sons, who were on two different teams.  “My kids said it was the best weekend all year. Thank you again.”

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September 2023

Caroline Wolkoff

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

Hello, my name is Caroline Wolkoff, daughter of Roy and Lucinda Wolkoff.  Ouzinkie is where my cultural roots begin, but I was raised in Kodiak. Cultural solid ties are important in life and even more evident in the Early Education field of study.  This Spring, I completed a Bachelor's Degree in Early Education and learned the importance of cultural connection.  I learned children need to identify with their culture, language, and traditions to know they are important and recognized.  It is about self-identity and, more importantly, self-esteem. Since completing my degree, I have taken the Leadership of the Head Start program I have worked with for two years.


I consider myself a lifetime learner and am proud to be a recipient of the John Panamarioff Sr. scholarship. It’s because of Ouzinkie Native Corporations, ONC, and educational support that I have accomplished my goal of obtaining a higher education. I believe life is about goal setting. Another educational goal is to obtain a Master's degree in Leadership to further my aspirations to be a leader and role model in the Alaska Native community.  I wish to inspire other shareholders and descendants to pursue education for life and never stop learning; goal setting is the way to transform your life! Thanks again to the Board and ONC staff for supporting and building a solid education program and assisting shareholders on their educational path.

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August 2023

Leah Boskofsky

Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

Leah Boskofsky attended Dig Afognak with the Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship. Leah is the daughter of Shahaila Squartsoff and Andy Boskofsky Jr. Her grandparents are Vera and Nick Squartsoff Sr and Paula and Andy Boskofsky Sr. She said she had fun in groups where they learned Alutiiq Dance songs and other activities like Alutiiq tag where they warmed up to prepare for Alutiiq Dance. She also enjoyed participating in the art class, where they drew Alutiiq dance regalia and sitting by the bonfire.

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July 2023

Harper Chichenoff

Napneq Cultural Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

Harper Chichenoff is the daughter of Bliss Peterson and Roy Chichenoff. Her grandparents are Pete and Juanita Muller, and Tania and Zack (deceased) Chichenoff. Harper received the first Napneq Cultural Enhancement scholarship award and will attend Dig Afognak to learn harvesting, survival skills, and Alutiiq language and music. Harper is one of Ouzinkie’s Alutiiq Dancers and loves learning about her culture. She’s also in the Ouzinkie School Gifted and Talented program.

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June 2023

Warrick Anderson

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Descendant Warrick Anderson received a Youth Scholarship award from ONC for basketball playoffs. His team won the championship in their division, and Warrick’s dad and basketball team coach Peter Anderson said he’s incredibly proud of all of them. My kids said it was the best weekend all year. Thank you again.

Thank you!

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May 2023

Sylvie VanTrease

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Descendant Sylvie VanTrease received a youth scholarship to play volleyball.  Her parents are Phillip and Jill VanTrease. Sylvie loves volleyball.  She is a setter, which is an important and stressful position. She is working on her back sets, and corner serves.  Her serve is consistent and tough to return.  This weekend May 6, and 7, 2023. Her team is traveling to a two-day tournament for regionals in Oklahoma City - she’s very excited!  She loves the girls on her team and is a hard worker.


March 2023

Kaiden Detorres

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Kaiden Detorres, son of Scott and Roberta Detorres received a Ouzinkie Native Corporation youth scholarship for basketball.

He said: I had so much fun playing basketball this year! I made new friends and got better at basketball! We even won the championship! Thank you ONC! 

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February 2023

Lexi Detorres

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Five-year-old descendant Lexi Detorres, daughter of Scott and Roberta Detorres received a youth scholarship to learn how to swim. Lexi learned several swimming skills such as floating on her back, a couple of different types of kicks and safety lessons and according to her mom, she enjoyed her swimming lessons. You can see her enjoyment in her happy face in her picture below. She successfully passed all her swimming lessons. 


January 2023

Andrea Alldridge

I am so grateful for this opportunity to receive a vocational scholarship. The Master in Esthetics program was a long term goal of mine. I completed the course on December 16th 2022, with perfect attendance. I’m looking forward to what my future holds now! Again thank you for the support!


Warm Regards,


Andrea Alldridge

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December 2022

Garman Squartsoff

Garman Squartsoff

December 2022

Garman Squartsoff received a Career Enhancement Scholarship from the Ouzinkie Native Corporation. He attended the Alaska Driving Academy in Soldotna, Alaska for a four-week training for a class A Commercial Driver’s License. He successfully achieved his goal. His dad is Herman Squartsoff and his mother Erin Alward.

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November 2022

Reese Luke

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Reese Luke  

Reese’s Parents are Greg and Emily Luke 

Reese’s volleyball team won the Alaska state championship this year! They also traveled to Las Vegas and Salt Lake City and played phenomenal! Such a special team she played with this year! Thank you for making this possible! 


October 2022

Max Meads

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Max is currently 12 years old and received a scholarship for soccer camp. His parents are PJ and Pam Meads. He loves soccer and spends a lot of his time practicing his skills. He also is a highly motivated student and received High Honors all 4 quarters of his 2021-2022 middle school year. 


Max- “soccer is my favorite sport and I love practicing with my friends and working on my technique at camp. I hope to be a professional soccer player someday!” 

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September 2022

Ryan Chernikoff

Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient


My name is Ryan Chernikoff; I was born in Anchorage, Alaska. I am the son of Robert Chernikoff and Melody Rhyner. My paternal grandparents were the late Fred and Esther Chernikoff, and my maternal grandparents were the late George and Thelma Rhyner. I have one daughter, Natalie, who is 11 years old.  


I am a senior in the Bachelor of Human Services program at the University of Alaska Anchorage. I enjoy going to school and learning new things. Currently, I am a Transition and Outreach Coordinator for the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness. I have been fortunate to work in the human services field since 2013 in several different roles. My degree program allows me to gain the skills necessary to address the many issues that we face in our community. I plan to continue working in the human services field after I complete my Bachelor’s degree and possibly further my education through a Master’s degree in counseling or social work.  


I am very grateful for the generous scholarships that Ouzinkie Native Corporation has awarded me. I would not be where I am today without ONC’s support.  

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August 2022

Hailey Meads

Youth Scholarship Recipient

14 year old Hailey Meads received a scholarship for attending the D2 Cheer Summit Competition in Orlando, Florida. (Super Bowl of Cheer) Her parents are PJ (Peter and Pam Meads. 

“ Cheer means a lot to me, whether it’s the relationships I have between my teammates or actually practicing and performing skills. I have been greatly impacted by this sport and it has pushed me to be hard working and dedicated to important things. To me, Cheer is my second home, where I go to work off my stress and have fun with my teammates. Last season, Cairo Crew, a team I was on, won the D2 Summit which is a huge competition in the Cheer world. My other team Phantom 5 placed 5th! It felt great to win that competition because that’s what we were working for the whole season. It was a huge accomplishment and I hope to do it again." - Hailey Meads


July 2022

Makenna Ambrosia

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Nine year old Makenna Ambrosia enjoys learning new activities. She received a Ouzinkie Native Corporation youth scholarship in 2021 for tennis camp and another youth scholarship for swim class in 2022. She loves swimming and is now in level four. Her parents are Kelli Harmon and Alex Ambrosia.


June 2022

Mackenzie Berndt

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient


Hello! I live in Adrian, Michigan with my mom (Kristi), dad (John), and brother (Eric). I am currently a junior at Siena Heights University, and I am a language arts major going for my elementary teacher certification! My goal, once I complete my undergraduate degree, is to move out to Wisconsin and become a Fifth-grade teacher. I plan to go further in my education and get my master’s degree in reading specialization for K-12. I just want to make an impact on the future generations and hopefully create a safe and loving environment for my students. I am so thankful that Ouzinkie Native Corporation and Koniag have been there for me and my education every step of the way!


MAY 2022

Daniel Smith

Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient

I am Daniel Smith, son of Carl Michael & Brenda Smith and grandson of Carl & Georgia Smith. I was born and raised on Kodiak Island where I had lived for 18 years prior to migrating to Newberg, Oregon in 2018 to undergo a Bachelor of Science in Biology concentrating in Field Biology and Ecology from George Fox University. I am due to graduate this spring where I will then return to Kodiak to work full-time with the Sun’aq Tribe Natural Resource Department as their Tribal Biologist. Specific projects I will be involved in will entail conservation of Kodiak resident’s and tribal members’ natural resources such as salmon, marine mammals, and other subsistence resources. A particularly important study that Sun’aq Natural Resource Director, Matthew Van Daele, and I will take part in is related to an invasive signal crayfish population that has threatened the sockeye salmon subsistence fishery within the Buskin River watershed on the Kodiak Island Road System. Using my skills gained from past field experience through three internships of working with the Sun’aq Tribe over the last four years, as well as through my academics in college, my hope is that we bear down on this problem through intensive study paired with eradication efforts relating to the removal of the invasive.

I also have plans to undergo a remote master’s degree through the University of Alaska Fairbanks Fisheries Program coming this fall of 2022 where the point of emphasis of the thesis would be related to past, present, and future signal crayfish work that the Sun’aq Tribe Natural Resource Department has and will be a part of. 

I am excited about what the future holds and am continually grateful for all the support that the Ouzinkie Native Corporation has given me throughout my college experience at George Fox!


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APRIL 2022

Mia Thomas

Youth Scholarship Recipient


Descendant Mia Thomas received a youth scholarship to attend gymnastics class. Her mother is Melissa Thomas. Her grandparents are Anna Rae Bent and Nicholas Chichenoff Sr. Mia loves  going to gymnastics and learning how to tumble and jump.

MARCH 2022

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Career Enhancement Scholarship Recipient


Descendant Rena Anderson received a Career Enhancement scholarship for a 40-hour training on Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.

Rena Anderson

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Joseph Turman

Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient

Descendant Joseph Turman received undergraduate scholarships.


I am from northern Minnesota and am the oldest of four children. My parents are Dave and Billie Turman, and my grandfather is Bill Wolkoff, who lives a couple hours north of us in Minnesota. I enjoy reading, brewing good coffee, and biking!

Prior to my current major, I was working in the IT field, but now am pursuing full-time pastoral ministry at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA. I currently am in my last semester of undergraduate schooling and plan to graduate in May. Following that, I plan to marry Lydia (my fiancée and love of my life) and move to Ankeny to pursue a Master of Divinity Degree at the seminary on campus with the hope of sharpening my ability to preach and counsel.

In the future, I would like to gain experience from a seasoned pastor with the goal of someday being a lead pastor somewhere else. God has been so gracious toward me in Christ, and especially with his provision through ONC for education. My only desire is that He would be glorified in all things.


"For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised." - 2 Corinthians 5:14–15

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Anesia Overlund

Career Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

Shareholder Anesia Overlund received Career Enhancement Scholarships in 2020 and 2021. 


"Learning lash extensions allowed me to explore a new modality under my esthetics license that I had not had the opportunity to pursue before. It broadened my skill set and allowed me to offer more services to my clients. Extensions are really popular right now and being able to add them to my services helped my small business grow. 


Recently, I was presented with the opportunity to learn to play the drum set and I'm so grateful for the ability to do that. Learning how to play the drums has been such a fun challenge and interacting with music has been really fulfilling. I'm so grateful for the support I've been given in pursuing my interests in my career and self-enrichment."


Taylor Cox

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Graduate Student Scholarship Recipient

My name is Taylor Cox; I was born in Anchorage at the Alaska Native Medical Center to Paul Cox and Misty Squartsoff. My grandparents are Gary and Joyce Cox from Idaho, and Harold and Barbara Squartsoff from Kenai, Alaska. I grew up moving around several states including Alaska, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Arizona. Visiting and fishing with my Grandpa Squartsoff on the Kenai River is one of my favorite memories from growing up. 


Immediately following high school, I served a two-year church service mission in Mexico, where I learned to speak fluent Spanish. Afterwards I attended Brigham Young University in Utah, received a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology, and gained admittance to medical school at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson. My decision and efforts to attend medical school were re-enforced in my undergraduate years by my experiences in volunteering at hospitals, research in molecular biology, and clinical shadowing with doctors in various specialties. 


During medical school I have engaged in additional “Distinction Track” career enhancement courses offered by the college of medicine in both Bilingual-Medical Spanish and Research. My current plans are to pursue a career as a general surgeon. I am currently in my third year of medical school and approaching the last phase of my program. This spring I will take my second USMLE board exam, then over the following year I will focus on applying to (and interviewing at) residency programs in general surgery.”

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Hawkan Haakanson Sr.

Career Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

Hawkan J. Haakanson Sr. received a Career Enhancement scholarship to study for his Master Trainer Certificate in Exercise through the International Sports Science Association. The course includes training on nutrition, strength and conditioning, corrective exercise, and online coaching. The online coaching training would enable Hawkan to coach
people at a distance by phone or virtually.


Exercise and wellness is a passion of his, and Hawkan expressed excitement about being able to help people succeed in their health and exercise goals once he finishes with the training. ONC Career Enhancement Scholarships award up to $2,500 per calendar year for short-term, job ready programs like licensing, certifications, and workshops.

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Francine VanTrease

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Six year old descendant Francine VanTrease received a youth scholarship to play soccer and to learn dance. She loves both activities! Her parents are Phillip and Jill VanTrease.



Katherine Leinberger

John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship Recipient

I am Katherine Leinberger, my parents are Marc Leinberger and Sheila Anderson-Leinberger. My grandparents are Don and Judy Leinberger from Illinois and Angeline Campfield and Gene Anderson from Ouzinkie. I am from Ouzinkie and I grew up in Bethel. I am attending the University of Alaska Fairbanks (virtually) and I will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Alaska Native Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in English in the spring of 2022. 

I used to spend long summer days in Ouzinkie, running around with all of our cousins but now the length between visits home to Ouzinkie becomes longer and longer it seems, so I enjoy every minute I am able to make the trip home that much more. I’m currently an office assistant intern at ONC's Anchorage office and learning Alutiiq, both of which I am very excited to learn more about.


This semester I am also taking an applied community research course to prepare for my thesis in the spring, and I am considering looking at how the marine highway system is not only crucial for Kodiak Island’s villages but also a modern version of traditional Alutiiq seasonal migration to pursue seasonally-available resources. After I graduate, I want to work with the museums and tribes to complete cultural resource preservation projects. In the future, I also plan on returning to college to get my teaching certification and occupational endorsement in Alutiiq so that I can teach both English and Alutiiq at the high school level. 

Ouzinkie Native Corporation has supported me all throughout my college career and I am so thankful to them for getting me this far and encouraging me to strive for the best! Quyanaa! 

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  AUGUST 2021

Jon Panamarioff

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Youth scholarship recipient and shareholder, Jon Panamarioff Jr. received a youth scholarship to attend youth soccer. His parents are Jon and Joelina Panamarioff. Paternal grandparents are Joan and Larry Chichenoff.

Jon’s Comment on playing soccer: “During soccer, I learned good teamwork strategies to improve our games. I like the competition during games.”

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   JULY 2021

Louis Panamarioff

Youth Scholarship Recipient

Youth scholarship recipient and shareholder, Louis Panamarioff received a youth scholarship to attend youth soccer. His parents are Jon and Joelina Panamarioff. Paternal grandparents are Joan and Larry Chichenoff

Louis comment on playing soccer: I learned new techniques. The games are the most fun!

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   JUNE 2021

Myles Anderson

Career Enhancement Scholarship Recipient

My name is Myles Anderson.  My mom is Rena Anderson and my dad is James Anderson.  I’m from Ouzinkie, but I lived in Anchorage all of my life. I completed the 40-hour Hazwoper and the 40 hour Asbestos classes with my career enhancement scholarship.


I am currently employed with Chemtrack. I work with my Dad and brother Dylan. My plans for the future are to be doing Hazwoper and Asbestos abatement with Chemtrack for as long as my dad has been with them.

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   MAY 2021

Lance Panamarioff


Major: Youth Scholarship Recipient

Youth scholarship recipient and shareholder, Lance Panamarioff received a youth scholarship to attend youth soccer. His parents are Jon and Joelina Panamarioff. Paternal grandparents are Joan and Larry Chichenoff


Lance’s comment on playing soccer, "I learned how to stop the ball with my foot. The games are my favorite part of soccer."

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   APRIL 2021

Roberta Detorres

Major: Biological Sciences with a minor in Alaska Native Business

University of Alaska, Anchorage

My name is Roberta Detorres (Anderson), and I am currently a freshman at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. I'm originally from Ouzinkie, AK, and my parents are Robert and Ruth Anderson. My paternal grandparents are Herman and Martha Anderson of Ouzinkie, AK and my maternal grandparents are James and Irene Walker of Holy Cross, AK. I am married to my high school sweetheart Scott Detorres, and we have three beautiful children together.

Having had the privilege of growing up in Ouzinkie definitely has provided me with certain advantages! There are very few communities where everyone treats each other like family in this world, and I feel so blessed/lucky to have grown up in one of them. I went through some pretty tough times as a child after losing my dad to cancer. The entire village wrapped me in their arms and held me up until I could stand on my own again. Growing up surrounded by this deep love inspires a girl to want to give back by taking care of her people and community in any way possible.

For the last 13 years, I was able to do so working as a Certified Dental Assistant for the Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA). During this time, I fell in love with dentistry and have decided to further my education with the long-term goal of attending dental school. Through UAA, I am currently working towards a bachelor’s degree, majoring in Biological Sciences with a minor in Alaska Native Business. Upon completing dental school, I plan to return to Alaska and work for the Indian Health Services (IHS). Returning to Alaska allows me to dedicate my services to her underserved regions, including Kodiak and Ouzinkie.

Another long term goal of mine is to work for some of the various Native Corporations by serving on the board of directors. I have always looked up to those who fight to make a difference for the younger generations, and I hope to do the same. All in all, my dream is to make a difference for present and future generations by giving back to the communities that have nurtured me. None of which would be possible without the Ouzinkie Native Corporation’s kindness and generosity.


Quyanna (Thank you)!
Roberta Detorres

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   MARCH 2021

Rebecca Dotson

Major: Elementary Education

Western Washington University

My name is Rebecca Dotson and I am the daughter of Laurie Dotson and the granddaughter of Dan Petersen and Ruth Sundberg. Even though I grew up in Washington State, I have always cherished hearing so many wonderful stories about what it was like growing up in Alaska from my mom and my grandparents. It truly is a special place and I am so proud of my Alaskan Native heritage.


Currently, I am a senior at Western Washington University and I am about to complete my Student Teaching Internship to become an elementary teacher! Teaching is something I have always wanted to do, and I am so thrilled to finally be achieving my dream. Even though my entire student teaching has been completed remotely due to COVID, it has still been such a valuable experience and I have learned so much about being flexible and putting students first. Since I graduate in March, I plan on spending my first few months after graduation working as a substitute teacher in order to get more in-person classroom experience and to get more familiar with schools in the area. I will also be applying to lots of jobs and trying to find a full-time teaching position to begin in the fall!


I am so thankful to have made it this far and, thanks to ONC, I get to begin my career with zero student loan debt. It has truly been a blessing and I am so grateful for all Ouzinkie has allowed me to accomplish when it comes to both my career and educational goals. I am truly looking forward to what life brings for me after graduation!


Geremy Clarion

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Major: Business Computer Info Systems

Virtual classes UAA

"The John Panamarioff Sr. scholarship has been helping me advance my education, albeit at a slow rate, for the last decade as my career path has slowly changed over time. As a first time applicant I was able to spend some time learning what it was that I wanted to do post-high school. Over the last several years, as my career has allowed, I have been able to apply for educational funding through ONC, as needed, that has helped me see the potentials on the horizon ahead of me. Without the support of ONC and the John Panamarioff Sr. scholarship I can definitively say that my career would not be nearly as successful as it has been. Quyanaa to the board, as well as the shareholders who support this program. It means a lot to me, and many other shareholders I have spoken with."



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My name is Makayla Pestrikoff and I am originally from Eagle River, Alaska, but I am currently living in Seattle, Washington for school. Having been raised by my parents Michael and Debra Pestrikoff, I inherited two culturally rich and diverse heritages. My native heritage comes from my father’s side of the family and extends clear back to my great grandparents, Dora and Pat Pestrikoff, who are from Ouzinkie, as well as my grandmother, Dorothy Morrison. As for my mother’s side of the family, I acquired my Italian roots from my grandfather, Charles Digati, and his parents, who immigrated from Sicily, Italy to the United States in the early 1900s. With this diverse heritage came a lot of unique perspectives, traditions, and experiences that helped shape me into the woman I have become today. I believe my passion for human rights is closely attributed to my heritage, particularly my Alaska Native heritage.

I am currently a senior at the University of Washington and plan on graduating this coming spring with a degree in both Political Science and Law, Societies and Justice (LSJ), and a minor in Human Rights. In regard to my future plans, I initially planned on going to law school directly after graduating from undergrad to pursue my long-range career aspiration of becoming a human rights attorney. However, due to all the uncertainty surrounding the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic I have decided to take a gap year before attending law school. During this gap year, I plan to gain practical experience by interning or working at some type of human rights related non-profit organization or law firm and studying for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). While I am still deciding on which particular field of law that I want to go into, I have narrowed it down to either criminal justice or human rights as they are the two areas that I am most passionate about and interested in pursuing a career out of.




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Youth scholarship recipient, Hayley Holden, received a youth scholarship to attend dance class at “Next Step Dance” in Kodiak.


Hayley’s mother is shareholder Amanda Holden and she said, “Great, thank you so much! This is great news! Please send our extended thank you to all involved. Such a great program ONC offers the youth.”





Youth scholarship recipient, Margaux VanTrease, is eight years old and attends Miss Shelly’s School of Dance in Tulsa, Oklahoma and she also plays soccer.


Margaux is the daughter of Jill and Phillip VanTrease and the granddaughter of William and Julie Torsen.


Margaux said, “I like soccer because I’m fast and I’m a good forward. I also like tumbling because I have strong arms and I like to do handsprings and bridges.”



Bella Hanson

My name is Bella Hanson and I was born and raised in Eagle River, Alaska. I am the daughter of David and Valery Hanson. My grandparents are Glenn and Patricia Godfrey and my great-grandparents are Betty and Jerry Gugel. I spent much of my childhood at my great-grandparents' house listening to stories about their lives growing up in Kodiak. I was always envious of the time they spent with their children and great-grandchildren commercial fishing. The opportunities I have had to explore Kodiak have given me an insight to my family's history. 


I am currently a senior at Elmira College in Elmira, New York. I am pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing and will be graduating in the spring of 2021. During my time at Elmira, I have been on the Dean's List every year and was awarded Academic All American my Sophomore and Junior years (awarded to student-athletes who maintain a 3.5 GPA and A- average). While it is difficult to manage academics and athletics simultaneously, I have managed to do so by studying and completing homework in any available downtime. This includes studying on the bus after games, as well as spending long nights in the library after a day consisting of class, lifting, and practice. 

Upon graduating in the spring, I would like to land a job as a nurse in the Intensive Care Unit or Pediatric Oncology. Personally, I like working in areas that require critical thinking at a fast pace. Furthermore, I would like to be in a position where I am able to impact patients to a high degree and make difficult times slightly easier for them and their families. 


While in college, I have been competing on a high-caliber women's ice hockey team. During my time here, we have won three conference championships and competed in the national tournament three times. I have played multiple sports throughout my life and love being a part of a team. Having the opportunity to play collegiate hockey while pursuing a career in nursing is something I have always dreamed of doing. 


I am eternally grateful for the continuous support and generosity of the Ouzinkie Native Corporation. I would not have been able to afford college or have the academic success I have had without the scholarships I have received.



Isabel Hanson


Rebecca Jones


My name is Rebecca Jones and I was born and raised in Kodiak, Alaska. As a child we often visited Ouzinkie Village, where my Grandma Edna Torsen and Great Grandma Polly Torsen (Panamarioff) were both born and raised. I have fond memories of traveling from Kodiak to Ouzinkie on my dad’s commercial fishing boat with aunts and uncles to go visit family and spend the day together. 


I am married to Trevor Jones and we have three beautiful kids ages 13 (girl), 11 (girl) and 8 (boy), who were all born and raised in Kodiak as well.


Through the help of ONC scholarships, I graduated in 2018 with my Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education with a Minor in Early Childhood Special Education. With this degree, I was able to teach for at East Elementary as a Special Education teacher in the Developmental Preschool. I really enjoyed this position and will be returning to the position this fall, after a one year leave of absence in order to finish building a house Trevor had bought when we was in college in Fairbanks and we have not been able to work on since being in Kodiak. We took the year to have flexibility in travel and work and I look forward to teaching again in the fall of 2020. 

I am now taking graduate classes through University of Fairbanks in Special Education to better my abilities as a special education teacher. I plan to take classes this summer and next summer and hopefully graduate within the next 2-3 years.


Thank you to ONC for all the support and encouragement their scholarships are and how wonderful the staff is to work with!


I am humbled and so thankful for this help and would not be able to have this degree or position without their support!


Thank you! 



Melissa Thomas

ONC Shareholder Melissa Thomas received a Career Enhancement Scholarship to attend a two-day training to become a Volume Lash Technician in January 2020. 


Melissa’s parents are Anna Rae Bent and Nicholas Chichenoff, and her daughter is Mia Thomas.


Melissa has her own business called Esteem Beauty.

JULY 2020

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Tyler Agafonov

ONC descendant, Tyler Agafonov, is a senior at the University of Washington, Seattle and an ONC scholarship recipient. Tyler is earning a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Political Science with a Minor in Education (Learning and Society) and he will graduate in spring 2021. He also made the Dean’s List for the school year and received a letter of accomplishment from the dean. 


Tyler’s parents are Jo Ann (Torsen) Agafonov and Edward Agafonov, and his grandparent is Claudia Torsen.

JUNE 2020


Chanel Pestrikoff

ONC descendant Chanel Pestrikoff a sophomore at Sheldon High School in Eugene, Oregon and a youth scholarship recipient. 


Chanel said, “Hello, my name is Chanel Pestrikoff.  My parents are Michael and Debbie Pestrikoff.  My late grandparents are Dorothy Morrison and my great grandparents are Dora and Patrick Pestrikoff - they are all from Ouzinkie.  On my mothers’ side, they are Charles and Joan Digati and they both lived in Eugene, Oregon for most of their lives.


I am now a sophomore at Sheldon High School in Eugene, Oregon.  I’m currently doing online schooling. It is going really well, and I have adjusted.  I’ve learned to manage my time with a schedule that works best; however, I do miss socialization with my classmates and friends.  My favorite subject is English, because I really enjoy writing and being creative.

I have taken on a new sport as of this year which is Lacrosse, and I love learning and playing the game.  I’m looking forward to being able to get back on the field with my teammates and play again when time allows.


Thanks for your continuing support Ouzinkie Native Corporation. 


I appreciate you.

Chanel Pestrikoff

MAY 2020


Annie Ferguson

ONC shareholder Annie Ferguson is currently a sophomore at Montana State University in Bozeman. She is working on a degree in microbiology as an environmental health major and is also working towards a global health minor while being on the pre-med track. She hopes to be able to attend medical school after graduation and practice medicine in Alaska. 

Annie said, “I know how important access to quality healthcare is regarding creating a thriving community and I would love to be a part of that someday. During school I also work as a caregiver and I try to do at least four hours of community service a week.

My family includes my mom, Mary Boggs, my dad, 

Shawn Ferguson, and my older sister, Emma Ferguson. My grandmother, Martha Delgado, is the one who inspired me to pursue a career in medicine because I saw how important it is to have medical professionals who care about their patients as a person.” 

Annie recently met with her college advisor who mentioned that she needed at least 40 hours of shadowing if she wanted her med school application to be competitive. She is currently reaching out to healthcare professionals who might be interested in having a student shadow them this summer.

MARCH 2020

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Will Ressel

ONC descendant, William Josef Ressel, is a fifth grader in Golden, Colorado. Will has received an ONC youth scholarship since 2019 for his music lessons and he studies classical acoustical guitar and piano at Bartle Guitar Studio.

Will enjoys music and has been studying and playing since 2016. He performs in several recitals a year that are organized by his teacher and he’s been selected twice to compete in his grammar school Talent Show.

Will was born in Colorado and enjoys going to Alaska several times a year to visit family. He especially likes fishing with his Grandfather Josef, although last time he went fishing he had a broken arm and had to have his dad help him fish. He is in fifth grade at Golden View Classical Academy and is looking forward to middle school.

His grandparents are Josef and Ina Ressel (Petersen) of Anchorage. His great-grand parents are Nels and Margaret Petersen (Danielsen) of Anchorage and his great-great grandparents are Sverre and Katherine Danielsen (Larionoff) of Kodiak.

Will’s parents, Erik and Kim Ressel, said:


“For us - his parents - we think the scholarship program is great and we really appreciate how supportive you are for descendants and shareholders. We want to offer as many opportunities to our son as possible and this scholarship helps us support his music hobby. Thank you so much!” 



Josh Hanson

ONC descendant, Josh Hanson, is in his final year of college at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. Josh has received an ONC scholarship since 2016 and he will graduate in June 2020 with a double major - a Bachelor of Science in Statistics and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with a cumulative GPA of 3.47. 


Josh is the Vice-Chair of the Koniag Education Foundation Student Advisory Committee. He also plays hockey for the University of Toronto Varsity Blues Hockey Team. Originally from Eagle River, Josh’s mother is Valerie Godfrey Hanson, his father is David Hanson, his grandmother is Patricia Godfrey and his great-grandmother is Betty Gugel.


In 2018, Josh wrote a letter to the ONC Board of Directors regarding the John Panamarioff Sr., Scholarship Program. His letter read:

Dear Ouzinkie Native Corporation members,


My name is Joshua Hanson and I am a recipient of the John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year.  I am a lifelong Alaskan and when I’m away from home doing my undergraduate studies, I always count down the days until I can once again see the Chugach Mountains as I fly over the Cook Inlet and back to the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.


I graduated from West High School in Anchorage in May of 2010 before I left to play junior hockey for the Portland Winterhawks of the Western Hockey League (WHL) in Portland, Oregon from August 2010 to May of 2015. Through the ups and downs of my hockey career, I stayed persistent and earned a 5 year scholarship through the WHL to attend the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. While this scholarship was very generous, it only covered a portion of the total university cost and left me stressing about my finances.  That’s when the Ouzinkie Native Corporation stepped in.


The corporation’s generosity in the form of the John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship helped me bridge the financial gap and gave me peace of mind and financial stability.  It has allowed me to focus entirely on my studies and not have to stress about how I’m going to buy my next meal, cover my tuition, or pay my rent.  As a result, I have been able to earn Academic All-Canadian Honors in each of my first two years at the university and maintain a 3.5 GPA and A- average.  I was even humbled by making the Dean’s List at the end of my second year.

There is no doubt in my mind that my success would not be possible without the generosity and support of the Ouzinkie Native Corporation.  I would not be able to afford tuition at such a high quality university without the John Panamarioff Sr. Scholarship and would not be blessed with the academic success I’ve accrued without the financial stability the scholarship offers me.


I would like to thank the corporation from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to the possibility of one day giving back to the community and the corporation that has given so much to me. Thank you!



Joshua Hanson


Ouzinkie Office:

P. O. Box 89 | Ouzinkie, AK 99644

PH: 1.800.680.2208 | 907.680.2208 | F: 907.680.2268

Anchorage Office:

11001 O'Malley Centre Drive, STE 105 | Anchorage, AK  99515

PH: 1.866.561.2452 | 907.561.2452 | F: 907.561.2453

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